Friday, December 26, 2008


Here are some Christmas pictures, including the very exciting surprise arrival of our labradoodle puppy, now named… “Marshmallow” … yes you read right… Maggie decided within seconds of seeing the gift from Santa that this puppy should be named after the treat we eat in our s’mores. We tried for a bit to talk her out of it, then sorta compromised at shortening it by calling her “Marci”, but Marshmallow is starting to stick with all the kids, so not sure Marci is going to fly!
Though is is a strange name for a female dog, we love it because it fits our eccentric Mags. She knew it immediately, and the other kids know that Maggie has the creative imagination in the family, so they jumped on board immediately!

Here is how the morning went.
First, note that we had agreement from all 4 children on Christmas Eve that they would not come downstairs before 6am... yeah right!
On Christmas morning...
It is 4am, and Anthony claims he heard a noise. He thought that was good enough reason to come downstairs before the 6am rule, then... he saw a "LIVE DOG"... alert, alert... this would certainly exempt him from the 6am rule... off he goes to inform the siblings that a live dog has been delivered by Santa!
It is now 4:30am and all kids are aware of the live dog.

Daddy and Mommy try to hide under the covers... when we hear a child screaming "The puppy is getting into the chocolate!". John jumps up to tend to this problem... no real danger, but it is a good idea to hide all of our chocolate that was out with our stockings.
By 5am, Mommy realizes that this day is getting started, and insists on a shower to wake, if required to wake up this early.

By 6am, we are starting to dig into the gifts from under the tree.

By 7am, all gifts are open, and kids are moving on to play with new toys and the puppy.

Mommy dives back under the covers, and daddy cooks breakfast. Daddy cooks a wonderful breakfast of biscuits, eggs, bacon, strawberries, and Mommy got to rest... (Why do I feel guilty for this? This NEVER happens.)
As the day went on...
Mommy started cooking at noon, though it is just us, we like the traditional holiday feast, so we cooked a big Turkey, a Duck, green beans, Grandbetty's Jello salad, mashed potatos, stuffing, sweet potatos, homemade rolls and pie. Mommy cooked all afternoon. I do love to cook, when there is an occasion, and I have the time to do a good job (which is rare in normal days). The kids are in and out with the puppy and new toys. Daddy plays catch with the boys, and Anthony and Alexander are excited about new Wii games to play. I love this day!

Maggie comes through the kitchen mid afternoon, to inform me that she is "training the dog". I asked if Daddy was helping her, and she said, "no, it is Sophie, Simone, Mariele, and Shaun" (all kids her age or younger). I laughed. She said she wanted to give the dog a bath, and I told her I did not have time to supervise this as I was heavy into my cooking. I sorta forgot this, as I got caught up in my cooking. John came down from his Wii gaming and asked about Maggie and I said "oh yeah... ya might wanta check on her, as she told me she and the neighbor kids are training the puppy." He asked "Training to do what?" I said "no clue... check it out". He returned with the puppy, Maggie and her 4 partners, who had used 75% of a bottle of girly soap Maggie got in her stocking to bathe Marshmallow. The puppy is pooped... can barely keep her eyes open at this point. Here is where the puppy realizes that this nice family is going to give her a run for her money. Whoever thought Labs had a lot of energy... never met those crazy Thomas kids!

yes... she has even turned her back to us. "I beg you, leave me alone for a minute... OK?"
"Are you all still there? Haven't you ever heard of a nap??"
"Give me a break... go away!"
She is dog tired...So is someone else... Actually, all the kids (and grown ups) are exhausted from the exciting day and the early wake up. Ben and Mommy got a nap, but everyone else kept going until they ran completely out of power.

Alexander just couldn't make it any longer. This is how he enjoyed the holiday dinner... too bad, it was a yummy feast. He missed the jello most he said!

...Sweet Marshmallow struggled for the next several hours to get some shut eye... but no real quality sleep was possible. Finally, around 6pm, the munchkins started to crash. Alexander crashed first, and we could not wake him for our holiday dinner. We served him a plate and moved him to the table, but he wouldn't budge.

Immediately after dinner (7:30), Maggie crashed on the floor next to Marshmallow. She was so tired, she could barely speak. Marshmallow was finally at peace.

Ahhh... finaly, some peace in this house.

Maggie fell asleep next to her new love, and where we would normally carry her upstairs to her bed, we decided to let her sleep next to her new Marshmallow. Maggie exclaimed all day "This is the best day of my life!" What more do we need for Christmas? She slept so well last night, after a day full of activity. The only child that doesn't seem to be in love with the new addition is Alexander, because he fears that Maggie doesn't love him anymore, since she gives all of her attention to the puppy. Maggie is such a great playmate for Alexander, and he is jealous right now. This will pass.

Right now, Marshmallow looks much like a white / yellow lab, but her hair will likely get longer and a little wavy as she grows. She is 75% lab, and only 25% poodle, but the mix is supposed to help with allergies. She will be bigger than a lab, because of the long legs she will get from her poodle side. We are hooked on her, no matter what, and she is getting comfortable with us. Merry, Merry!

Monday, December 15, 2008

Christmas is coming! Christmas is Coming!

Ben and Alexander are so excited on the day of their Christmas party at preschool.

We all enjoyed a night out on Dec. 15 for Alexander's 5th birthday. Grandbetty was in town, which made this extra special.
This is our princess Maggie... with 3 brothers, she needs 'lots of character, and she has that for sure!
Christmas is coming ... Kids are out of school, and so excited for the celebration. Poor Alexander celebrated his 5th birthday in the middle of December. I think he knows he got a little short changed. Party is postponed until January... moving on to Santa for now.

The family at the Nutcracker ... our new tradition, now that all the kids will finally sit through the show... a small step, but a great one for us!

Sweet Alexander celebrates his 5th birthday with a dinner hibachi style... our tradition.

Maggie went caroling with the brownies on Dec. 19th

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Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Give Thanks!

It is moments like these that make this life worth every bit of blood sweat and tears that we give. I love Thanksgiving. The kid are learning about being thankful at school and we are discussing it more at home, and everyone just seems a little kinder. The little pilgrims and Indians are pretty cute too.
I am so thankful for this life we have. I may complain from time to time (well, okay, a lot), but I really do know that we are blessed, and I don't know what I would do without all 4 stinkers in my life!

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Busy Office Party / Ren Fest Week-end

On Friday, John's firm held their semi-annual holiday shindig, at the Museum of Fine Arts. It is a swanky affair, with a band, and full line of food and drink options, as well as a chance to see many friends from over the years. They invite current attorneys, and "alumni", so we see the people who have come and gone, and it is a good time. Additionally, this year was quite pleasant, because it is one of few of these events where I was not either pregnant or with a tiny baby. Since it only happens alternate years, the last time, I was on crutches, due to my knee ordeal 2 yrs ago. The time before that, I believe I was with a new baby, so couldn't completely relax, knowing midnight feedings and such were awaiting me at home...and before that, extremely pregnant with a baby any day... Finally, I could drink champagne, and I did. I didn't feel drunk, but I knew I would likely move slower in the morn, and I didn't have a care in the world about that, because, I thought, this was one of few Saturdays that we did not have a sporting event or kid activity of some sort... so I thought. I proceeded to celebrate freely, and it was quite a nice evening.

We arrived home about 12:30, and couldn't believe we had managed to stay out that late (we are old now). I sighed as I was crashing into my pillow, and said, "Isn't it so nice that we don't have anyplace we HAVE to be tomorrow... we are Freeeeee..."... (screeeeech). That is when John lowered the boom. "oh no" he says... " I told you I bought Renaissance Festival tickets for tomorrow." (Ren Fest is a fun day, but it is a LONG day, and one that we usually like to start early). I swear he didn't tell me this, but I just said 2 words before I crashed -- "Please no". We awoke on Saturday, and he let me sleep. He was up cooking breakfast for the kids (he is good like this on week-ends, because he misses a lot of time w/ them during the week because of his work). When I awoke, I was movin' slow, but I erased the Renaissance Fest discussion completely. I was also starting to remember that I had committed to cook dinner for a neighbor family, as the mom was recovering from surgery -- lasagna is what I had committed to deliver to them. As I am starting to enter the kitchen, I hear John telling the kids that we need to "move it quickly after breakfast, because we ARE going to the Renaissance Fest". Oh noooo... I cried. I must first make Lasagna for this family, and surely there would be no time, so we should do it another day. He persevered, and they were going with or without me... hmmm... would they really go without? Oh, I thought, they would go, but they'd only stay a couple of hours because they couldn't do as much without another adult, since the 2 little kids need adults to ride some rides, etc. Just as I started to settle into my day, they would blow in like a hurricane , so I might as well go, as if it were really a choice. I scurried around, making the lasagna dinner for the neighbors, and made grumpy sounds the whole time I was getting dressed because he was doing this horrible thing to me -- I know -- not so horrible.

It actually was a perfectly beautiful day. Once the motrin and caffeine kicked in, I was feeling fine. The weather was perfect, and the kids loved the event. We do love this event. The site is in Plantersville, Texas and it is amazing. It is a large acreage property that is built just for this annual festival. The rides and games are more rustic, made of wood, and mostly hand made, and many people strolling in costumes. There are shows with animals and magicians, music, jousting, etc. We closed down the place (partially since we didn't arrive until 1pm. Our kids are so fun at these things... places where they can run and noise doesn't matter suit us best right now, and probably for the rest of our lives, if I would guess.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Halloween in Hayden's Run FUN!

Halloween is perhaps my favorite day in our neighborhood. We live in an area that is kid friendly utopia. Our neighborhood is about a block away from the elementary school, and our school is one of the best in the area, so this is the place to be on Halloween. Almost every street has some sort of block party before trick or treat. Many streets have groups of adults that park their lawn chairs in the street, and socialize while handing out treats. It is like hopping from party to party, as we trick or treat. This is the best part... At several locations, adult beverages are served along with treats for the kids. Can it really get any better than this? The kids are happy... the adults having fun too. It is pretty clean and safe. If we could just keep our kids in this bubble forever. Oh, there are some things that I don't like about being in this bubble called The Woodlands, in that our kids are not living in a world that will teach them the things they will encounter in the world outside the bubble, and our kids have so much opportunity, that they are getting spoiled, whether we like it or not. But today... Halloween... this is the place to be...

Alexander had about a dozen costumes in his wardrobe, and wore them all during the course of October, changing several times a day... and decided at the last minute that he would be Batman (a hand me down from Anthony). This was great, because we actually had 2 batman costumes (Actually, Ben wore the Batgirl costume), but who knew? Anthony dressed as a OSU football player, and Maggie chose a witch costume. Daddy also dressed for the occasion, when we found an extra cape and mask in our vast superhero collection.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Ben on the loose again

Below is the letter I sent to Anthony's 3rd grade teacher today. In a split second, Ben can get into anything. Gotta go... he has a dirty diaper and he is squirting out a juice box... I am ready for a nap already...
Ms. Goodson,
After Anthony left for school (so he hasn't seen it yet), his 3 yr old brother Ben cut his reading homework with zig zag scissors -- the kid is like lightening, always into something. I have taped it back together, but Anthony will be upset since he is somewhat of a perfectionist. We had already done it, but he can easily copy it to a new sheet. Is there any way you can send home a new reading homework sheet, so he can turn in a clean copy tomorrow? Thank you so much!


Sunday, October 26, 2008

Broken heart at age 4

Alexander got his heart broken! Alexander sometimes plays with a little red head girl,Kate, who lives on our street. Kate is a few months older than Alexander, old enough to make the cutoff to start kindergarten this year... leaving Alexander behind in Pre-K. She is this tiny little sparky thing, and a little on the bossy side, but she is adorable. She has a way of getting things her way most of the time, and she has enjoyed playing with Alexander, because as the middle child, he is used to letting people take charge. He has been so easy going with her. When school started, they didn't play a lot. I think she was into being in the "big school". On Saturday, he went to Kate's to play. He was not gone very long, and I was upstairs when he arrived home. When I came down, he looked so sad, with the lip hanging out and all. I asked what was wrong, and his reply was ... "She said I can't be her boyfriend... she is marrying someone else!" I called Kate's mom and declared that we both need to write this down... who knows... what if they do end up dating some day...He was so heartbroken. She invited him back to play, but he said... "no, she is marrying someone else". I saw little Kate (who is smaller than my Ben, though she is 5 and in Kindergarten) on Sunday, and I asked her who she is marrying? She said "nobody", and she shrugged her shoulders and flipped that little red bob hair. They were off to play together again. He still mentions every once in a while that "she is marrying someone else". How innocent and sweet they are.. .if we could just freeze this moment.

Maggie (his older sister) started horseback riding lessons this week, after she has been asking for this for 3 years. It is quite a commitment (time and money), and she has had some acedemic struggles, so we have delayed getting started, but she has essentially abandoned every previous sport and activity, holding out for horses all the way. I have made the comment that she will choose horses over boys, which is a good thing, though the horse thing could turn out to be a pretty big deal for us. Being our only girl, I think John would rather pay out the nose for this horse activity, than to think of issues with boys in her future... and that time will come sooner than we think. Alexander said that he did not want her to start riding horses because she would not want to play with him anymore. The poor kid. Women leaving him from every direction. His Maggie will always be there for him though. These two are such good buddies. He has now settled for marrying mommy. Oh, if we could just keep him here...

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Batman or Alexander?

Sweet Alexander... My middle Child... Alexander has been enjoying this halloween season, when it is acceptable to wear a costume most anywhere. He is batman, then incredibles, then power ranger (both red and green ranger), buzz lightyear... The joy of having an older brother is many costume options. When we went out for my birthday to a nicer restaurant, Daddy put his foot down on the costume, and insisted he dress like a boy... I am a fan of batman, really, but he is a cute little boy, so either is okay.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Finally Friday

Finally Friday... The little kids don't have school. Once the twins are off to school, studied for all Friday spelling and math tests, homework for the week in their backpacks, I breathe a sigh of relief. No teaching for me, no rushing to make lunches to get the littles off to school.

It is a easy morning... Ben and Alexander watch a little morning cartoons, while I clean up kitchen and get some laundry put away. Ben asks me to snuggle, but that doesn't last too long. He is into the yogurt, into the juice, easy is over. Since I am a little tired today and I do need to grade the final exams from my college class, I have a reservation at 10am at Playtime for kids (my little "peace" of heaven -- drop in childcare). I had considered canceling, but at this moment, I am glad I kept the reservation. It is only a couple of hours, but it will be good for all of us. I have visions of blowing off my responsibilities and hiding under covers today, but on the drive to Playtime, reality sets in. I need to grade some finals for one class, and a new class starts on Monday, and I have done nothing to prepare. Baseball and soccer uniforms sit dirty atop the washing machine, and games start 8am Saturday... no hiding under the covers today.
It was, however a day with a little less pressure. When big kids come home from school, I can let them be freeeee... and not tie them to the chair for homework and studying. I hate that when they are only 8 yrs. old. Today was a beautiful day, so we all played outside after school, relieving me from even more stress, since that allows the house to stay somewhat in order (or less out of order). Daddy home for dinner for the 1st night all week... family movie night... Winnie the Pooh and Booo... Halloween movie. Ben seems a little fussy, coughing, etc. I hope he isn't getting what Anthony had.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Little Ben is "free"!

Little Ben ... Ben is "Free" (that is how he pronounces "3")I think people who come home from combat seem all jittery (at least in the movies, not that I really have been close to anyone in this situation), but they are probably nervous from dodging bullets and other dangerous situations. On a smaller scale, I think I may have the same feelings. I am so jumpy these days, always on guard for a baby escaping, or a 8 yr old playing a game he shouldn't, some combination of my children fighting, or flying objects (cars, remote controls, pillows, coming out of nowhere), or... ME, tripping over a obstacle that someone has left in a pathway (this put me into knee surgery and completely down for 3 months 2 yrs ago, and I will never be the same). Or often, I open a cabinet in the kitchen and the cups come tumbling out like dominos -- I blame that on a kid who has gone for that one favorite cup on the bottom of a stack, and just thrown the others back in, but honestly, we just have too daddum much stuff everywhere. Just the other day, John (hubby) was trying to help me with the mass of objects I try to get in some order each day, and he just tossed a matchbox car into the little boys room. I was folding laundry in peace, when this little car came 1mm from my face. I jumped and he laughed. I don't think he was trying to harm me... who else would he con into doing this job for longer than 1.3 hours? Plus, I think he does love me, despite my twitch at the end of a day in our combat zone.

When they are all sleeping, I think how wonderful our life is, and how perfect they all are, but most of the day, I think my face must look like I am on a scary rollercoaster. I remember Steve Martin in the movie Parenthood, with the rollercoaster analagy, and the crazy grandmother who was so positive about enjoying those dips and quick turns. I am trying to get to the grandmother's frame of mind, but it takes a lot of restraint (and maybe some medication).
Today, for the moment, I am in a quiet house, and the cleaning ladies have just left, so it is a rare moment when I don't feel the pressure to clean. I am no neat freak, but it is a major task just to keep us within the health code.

Ben gets into more than the twins did at the same age, because he is enabled by his siblings. The others didn't know they could climb up 2 shelves in the refrigerator and get yogurt and even though the spoon drawer is easier to get to than the yogurt, for the heck of it, just eat the yogurt with hands. And when the twins were this age, mommy was a little less exhausted, so when I heard the refrigerator door open, I was on the spot to catch the disaster. Now, there is so much other noise, that Ben could do a lot of things without being caught right away... and he often does. Chocolate pudding has been banned from our house, and yogurt has to be hidden or it might be soon banned. He is such a sweetie, and alone, he is not the problem, but he just has so much opportunity to cause messes, and likely he is lacking in attention or he wouldn't have these opportunities. ... Anyway, I am torn between wanting to snuggle w/ him 24 / 7, or medicate him so he will sleep a little more and thus cause a little less havoc (I wouldn't really medicate him). Sweet Ben. I say Ben, what are you doing, he say "nuffing", with a smile, a dimple, and a twinkle in his eye... and a cute jiggle of his bottom. He melts my heart.

Every cabinet, cupboard and closet is full, and I know I desperately need to purge, but I can't find the time to do the basics, so a project of that monumental size would require major planning. I have asked over and over for John to take all 4 children (and himself) someplace for a week-end, or better a long week-end. I just dream of being in my own house for a few days, where I could get a little done, and just enjoy the peace. Going away doesn't do it for me, because I get nothing done, and the house slides backward while I am gone, so it takes me 2 wks to catch up from being gone. I will miss them all as soon as they drive away, but I just need a few days in my house when it is not a war zone. It is what I long for more than jewelry or roses or anything else I can think of... except for that new washer and dryer and commercial size refrigerator...My, how my wish list has changed over the past 9 years!

Obstacle Course for Mommies.. Dodge Ball or keeping balls in the air

This picture is Anthony.. my first born (twin A) and type A child... He is so smart, and cute, and he is going to eat my lunch before it is all over. The kid needs his own personal mom, and he shares me with 3 siblings.
I cannot decide if it is dodge ball or keeping a million balls in the air that I liken our days to, but it seems dodge ball might be the glass is half empty analogy and keeping them in the air sounds more half full... depends on my mood I guess. Today, it was definitely dodge ball. Any time you have to use food coloring with 4 kids under food, a disaster is a possibility, and in my case, really, a probability.

Yesterday it was 12 photos, a favorite toy, writing a story about reading a story, then reading 2 other stories to preK class. Today, I was tasked with baking a sports themed cake for Cub Scout cake contest. Anthony was set on creating a football field cake, which seemed like an easy option, though cake decorating is not easy for me. Then, my Type A child wanted to look at the real live football field at OSU, so we could make it just like that one. I think I fell short of his dream cake, and I figured this out when we were almost finished... and he moved away from our cake to talking about how great Cameron's cake will probably be, because his mommy makes great cakes. Maggie came to my rescue by saying "mommy makes great cakes", but her enthusiasm was a little lacking. I know I don't make prize winning cakes, and I never really strive to do this, so my ego is still in tact.

Tomorrow, I will search for football guys and goals to place on our cake, and at least we will make a decent showing. I wonder what tomorrow's amazing race challenge will be... On the bright side, it was a nasty rainy day here, one that would have driven the kids crazy, asking every 5 minutes if we could break our video game rule of week-ends only, and whining about nothing to do. Instead, it was like dodge ball, trying to keep Ben out of the green icing, and he knew it. Ben was like lightening, racing through the kitchen and running his fingers through the green icing, then out just as fast, wiping hands on walls, furniture, etc. At 11pm, as I was wrapping up the clean up from the ordeal, I found an empty box of food coloring and about 20 band aid wrappers in the living room... Like I said... it is like dodge ball around here! I think we are still missing a bottle of yellow food coloring... yikes!

The Day for Super Moms... We survived... Whew!

Tuesday was hard to prepare for after a holiday week-end, but ended up an easier day than most, despite my angst at viewing the schedule ahead of time.

Last night I had to get Alexander ready for star of the week today at in his class, meaning he needed to take 12 photos of a timeline of his life, 2 favorite books, a favorite toy, and we had to read a book that was sent home w/ him and write a story about reading the story -- then I had to go to his class today to help him present his photos, and read his 2 fav books...this is Pre K -- Oh My gosh! And this is ONE of my four children.

The twins had to be ready for a spelling story test, which Maggie has trouble with, so required early morning study, and there were numerous weekly papers usually due on Mondays that we had to get in order w/ parent signatures for today.

...We made it though... Twins were on time to school, no problem. Alexander had PreK, and we were prepared and on time there too... a miricle. Ben went to Playtime so that Mommy could have a few quiet hours to do paperwork at home. I was working diligently on two goals:1) getting some medical bills straightened out and paid. 2) getting all of our activities on this calendar so that we have a central place to see our schedule. As I was diligently working on my calendar, I received a call from a dr. that i was missing an appoint that started 5 min. ago. (again, an argument for a better calendar system). I skipped the shower and better clothes I had planned for my prek reading engagement, ran to the Dr., then to PreK for reading. Alexander and his friends are at such a sweet age, that I don't think any of them cared that I was in athletic shorts and no make up. I probably fit in better. Hey, at least I did have a shower! At this point, the day was in full swing. From there to pick up Ben at Playtime, an hour until school bus. We would have about an 1.5 hours until we needed to depart for baseball... but miricle of all miricles, Uncle Paul offered to take Anthony to his baseball game, and John would be able to make the game, so I could stay home w/ my 3 easier kids (did I say that?), and the day was actually a success. I wish I felt like I was missing a moment by missing that baseball game, but there will be other days when uncle Paul and Daddy can't help, so I try to conserve my effort for those days.

Now, for manana, we JUST have to bake and decorate a sports themed cake for cub scout meeting on Thursday! I think I would rather take an algebra exam than decorate cakes (and I hated algebra), but this is what we supermomas do! Help me Rhonda! I am sure some day I am gonna wish I was decorating cakes with my children, so I should live it up now! A football field cake it is... and Anthony has already cut out a picture of the exact field at OSU that he wants to have on his cake... the joy of a type A child.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Columbus Day No School! Can we possibly squeeze in another thing?

Monday Columbus Day No School! Picked Mag up from church sleepover at 8am. She had a blast! Plan was for M & A to go to college w/ Kim, and littles to Playtime, but Mag wanted to go to Playtime, requiring a trip home to get a lunch. Stopped for donuts (a treat promised yesterday). Dropped 3 kids at Playtime, and Anthony went to college w/ me. He was so good during my class, but got a little bored at the end. I think he liked it!

Afterwards, took Anthony to Thai Ploy for lunch, then picked up other kids. Home to get Mag ready for Lillian's bday party, which was 30 min away instead of in the neighborhood as I had thought. Also, she needed a cat costume... accross the street to borrow from a neighbor... then needed 12 photos for the craft at the party... ughh! Now we are off... Only 30 min late. Oops, mapquest mapped it wrong, so we were lost and an hour late.

By the time we get home, we have about an hour before we need to leave to pick Mag up on 1488, then back to Rayford Rd. Fox Run Fields for Anthony's baseball practice. My trip timer on my car was reset this morning, and we were in the car for 4.5 hours today, never more than 15 miles from home, but running here and there for activities, birthday party, sports,etc. It was a blessing and maybe a curse for later, but all 3 non-baseball kids fell asleep on the way to Anthony's baseball practice tonight, so instead of chasing Ben for 2 hours, keeping him out of streets, water, other kids baseball gear, and away from the line of fire of 8 yr olds learning how to pitch, I got to have 2 hours of complete silence in my car while A Practiced. This is rare, but I guess I should carry a book for those rare moments. I tried being productive on my laptop until the battery ran out. I will pay for this break tonight when nobody wants to go to sleep, but for the moment, the break is nice.
The college kids have been emailing me all day for help on a project that is turning out to be more difficult since he hurricane damaged the dining room construction project at the college, which is what I had asked them to write a paper on. I will handle that crisis tomorrow.

Cleaned up for the night, got 4 backpacks ready for morning. Tomorrow is Alexander's "book buddy" and "Star of the Week" day, so we have to read a story, write a story about reading that story, gather 12 family pictures, a toy for the "mystery bag", and pick out 2 books for mommy to read at prek tomorrow. Maggie and Anthony have a spelling story tomorrow, where they have to correct misspelled words in a story that are spelling words from last week. Maggie has been scoring low on this, so review is necessary in the morn. All is ready for a 6am wake up! Green Acres living is sounding better every day! Whew! What a day!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

The Beginning... The chaos of our wonderful life!

Getting Started
This is the beginning of my attempt at keeping a record of this crazy life we lead w/ 4 kids. I cannot imagine why this would be interesting to others, but it might be good therapy for me, and since my brain is quickly turning to mush, it might be a good record of these very busy times, so when I am asked that question that tends to make the hair on my neck stand up... "what did you do today?", I can somehow make sense of it, and not scream. I also have a goal of trying to stop and enjoy the wonderful time we are in, instead of constantly trying not to fall of this treadmill of our life. Maybe writing down our days will help me to be more positive about things. I do love our children, and though they create enough work for a small army, they are the light of my world, and I need to remember this more often, instead of getting bogged down by the tasks that I struggle with.
My Birthday Week-end
This is the Sunday at the end of my birthday week-end. My birthday was pretty uneventful, especially on the heels of a special 40Th surprise bash last year. This year, the day was started cleaning up vomit of my biggest and most dramatic child, Anthony. We had been to the Dr. Thurs, and diagnosed with bronchitis (near pneumonia), and he was really about the worst I have ever seen him. He thought he might die (the drama), and told me to just "let him go and say goodbye". Anyway, I had been up with him a lot during the night, and by morning, the side effect of nausea from the steroid med had kicked in, so my birthday started a little rocky.

Book Parade
Today, we had a school "book parade" for the twins (but A was sick, so just Mag would participate) where the kids can wear costumes (but we don't call them halloween costumes for sake of sensitivity to those who might not celebrate). The kids wear costumes that link to a book. Maggie was Laura from Little House on the Prairie in her mind, but she really was a blonde haired girl in a black trendy flapadoodle dress that looked nothing like Little House, but since I had another child vomiting, I let it slide... it is really all about how she felt, and she was fine, unlike her twin brother, who was vomiting, and thought he was dying. I had other fish to fry at the moment. We were off to watch the modern "Laura in the parade". My near death twin was really better by now, and miraculously, he chose to stay at school after the event (day getting better already). We made it through the day, and I believe nobody (except my dad calling me) wished me happy birthday until around 5pm. I guess this is what being a grown up is about... I am used to my birthdays being a little more "about me", but I need to get over that because we are in survival mode right now. At least Anthony escaped death today. We went to dinner at a Japanese hibachi restaurant (our tradition for most birthdays) for mommy's birthday, and called it a day! A message from my sister at the end of the day was a nice touch to improve the day too.
Day of Rest?
Sunday is a good day for our family, but no day is truly a day of rest for us. We went to Church today. Lunch @ Skeeters. Ben Napped (rare these days, so I enjoy the peace in the day). John took kids shopping (I think for my late Birthday gift), then he had a work conference call @2:30. Anthony to Cub Scouts @3. Maggie has sleepover at church for girls tonight from 8pm to 8am. No school for kids tomorrow (Columbus day), but I am teaching college so littles go to Playtime and the twins will go to college w/ me.

Mag was so excited to go to the sleepover tonight. I am happy for her to have some activities. Seems like the whole family revolves around Anthony's baseball. We are soon getting her into horseback riding. After dropping Mag at the church, I considered trying to recruit a friend to go out for a drink because I was so tired, but too much to do at home and it would only slow me down. So...home to clean the house before grading some papers, then to bed. One more day down!

No spare time w/out kids these days, so starting to feel like I am drowning. Need to grade papers for college, prep for next class starting 10/20, and need to catch up on bills and paperwork at home, organize our family calendar so we don't miss a sporting or school item, all while somehow keeping our house and kids a float, and possibly even helping them to become intelligent, kind human beings -- this is a more difficult task than anything my corporate career ever handed me. Help, I have fallen, and I can't get up!