Monday, November 17, 2008

Halloween in Hayden's Run FUN!

Halloween is perhaps my favorite day in our neighborhood. We live in an area that is kid friendly utopia. Our neighborhood is about a block away from the elementary school, and our school is one of the best in the area, so this is the place to be on Halloween. Almost every street has some sort of block party before trick or treat. Many streets have groups of adults that park their lawn chairs in the street, and socialize while handing out treats. It is like hopping from party to party, as we trick or treat. This is the best part... At several locations, adult beverages are served along with treats for the kids. Can it really get any better than this? The kids are happy... the adults having fun too. It is pretty clean and safe. If we could just keep our kids in this bubble forever. Oh, there are some things that I don't like about being in this bubble called The Woodlands, in that our kids are not living in a world that will teach them the things they will encounter in the world outside the bubble, and our kids have so much opportunity, that they are getting spoiled, whether we like it or not. But today... Halloween... this is the place to be...

Alexander had about a dozen costumes in his wardrobe, and wore them all during the course of October, changing several times a day... and decided at the last minute that he would be Batman (a hand me down from Anthony). This was great, because we actually had 2 batman costumes (Actually, Ben wore the Batgirl costume), but who knew? Anthony dressed as a OSU football player, and Maggie chose a witch costume. Daddy also dressed for the occasion, when we found an extra cape and mask in our vast superhero collection.

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