Though is is a strange name for a female dog, we love it because it fits our eccentric Mags. She knew it immediately, and the other kids know that Maggie has the creative imagination in the family, so they jumped on board immediately!
Here is how the morning went.
Here is how the morning went.
First, note that we had agreement from all 4 children on Christmas Eve that they would not come downstairs before 6am... yeah right!
On Christmas morning...
It is 4am, and Anthony claims he heard a noise. He thought that was good enough reason to come downstairs before the 6am rule, then... he saw a "LIVE DOG"... alert, alert... this would certainly exempt him from the 6a
m rule... off he goes to inform the siblings that a live dog has been delivered by Santa!
It is 4am, and Anthony claims he heard a noise. He thought that was good enough reason to come downstairs before the 6am rule, then... he saw a "LIVE DOG"... alert, alert... this would certainly exempt him from the 6a
It is n
ow 4:30am and all kids are aware of the live dog.
Daddy and Mommy try to hide under the covers... when we hear a child screaming "The puppy is getting into the chocolate!". John jumps up to tend to this problem... no real danger, but it is a good idea to hide all of our chocolate that was out with our stockings.

By 5am, Mommy realizes that this day is getting started, and insists on a shower to wake, if required to wake up this early.
By 6am, we are starting to dig into the gifts from under the tree.
By 7am, all gifts are open, and kids are mo
ving on to play with new toys and the puppy.
Daddy and Mommy try to hide under the covers... when we hear a child screaming "The puppy is getting into the chocolate!". John jumps up to tend to this problem... no real danger, but it is a good idea to hide all of our chocolate that was out with our stockings.
By 6am, we are starting to dig into the gifts from under the tree.
By 7am, all gifts are open, and kids are mo
Mommy dives back under the covers, and daddy cooks breakfast. Daddy cooks a wonderful breakfast of biscuits, eggs, bacon, strawberries, and Mommy got to rest... (Why do I feel guilty for this? This NEVER happens.)
As the day went on...
Mommy started cooking at noon, though it is just us, we like the traditional holiday feast, so we cooked a big Turkey, a Duck, green beans, Grandbetty's Jello salad, mashed potatos, stuffing, sweet potatos, homemade rolls and pie. Mommy cooked all afternoon. I do love to cook, when there is an occasion, and I have the time to do a good job (which is rare in normal days). The kids are in and out with the puppy and new toys. Daddy plays catch with the boys, and Anthony and Alexander are excited about new Wii games to play. I love this day!
Maggie comes through the kitchen mid afternoon, to inform me that she is "training the dog". I asked if Daddy was helping her, and she said, "no, it is Sophie, Simone, Mariele, and Shaun" (all kids her age or younger). I laughed. She said she wanted to give the dog a bath, and I told her I did not have time to supervise this as I was heavy into my cooking. I sorta forgot this, as I got caught up in my cooking. John came down from his Wii gaming and asked about Maggie and I said "oh yeah... ya might wanta check on her, as she told me she and the neighbor kids are training the puppy." He asked "Training to do what?" I said "no clue... check it out". He returned with the puppy, Maggie and her 4 partners, who had used 75% of a bottle of girly soap Maggie got in her stocking to bathe Marshmallow. The puppy is pooped... can barely keep her eyes open at this point. Here is where the puppy realizes that this nice family is going to give her a run for her money. Whoever thought Labs had a lot of energy... never met those crazy Thomas kids!
yes... she has even turned her back to us. "I beg you, leave me alone for a minute... OK?"
"Give me a break... go away!"
Alexander just couldn't make it any longer. This is how he enjoyed the holiday dinner... too bad, it was a yummy feast. He missed the jello most he said!
Ahhh... finaly, some peace in this house.
Maggie fell asleep next to her new love, and where we would normally carry her upstairs to her bed, we decided to let her sleep next to her new Marshmallow. Maggie exclaimed all day "This is the best day of my life!" What more do we need for Christmas? She slept so well last night, after a day full of activity. The only child that doesn't seem to be in love with the new addition is Alexander, because he fears that Maggie doesn't love him anymore, since she gives all of her attention to the puppy. Maggie is such a great playmate for Alexander, and he is jealous right now. This will pass.

...Sweet Marshmallow struggled for the next several hours to get some shut eye... but no real quality sleep was possible. Finally, around 6pm, the munchkins started to crash. Alexander crashed first, and we could not wake him for our holiday dinner. We served him a plate and moved him to the table, but he wouldn't budge.
Immediately after dinner (7:30), Maggie crashed on the floor next to Marshmallow. She was so tired, she could barely speak. Marshmallow was finally at peace.
Right now, Marshmallow looks much like a white / yellow lab, but her hair will likely get longer and a little wavy as she grows. She is 75% lab, and only 25% poodle, but the mix is supposed to help with allergies. She will be bigger than a lab, because of the long legs she will get from her poodle side. We are hooked on her, no matter what, and she is getting comfortable with us. Merry, Merry!
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