This is the beginning of my attempt at keeping a record of this crazy life we lead w/ 4 kids. I cannot imagine why this would be interesting to others, but it might be good therapy for me, and since my brain is quickly turning to mush, it might be a good record of these very busy times, so when I am asked that question that tends to make the hair on my neck stand up... "what did you do today?", I can somehow make sense of it, and not scream. I also have a goal of trying to stop and enjoy the wonderful time we are in, instead of constantly trying not to fall of this treadmill of our life. Maybe writing down our days will help me to be more positive about things. I do love our children, and though they create enough work for a small army, they are the light of my world, and I need to remember this more often, instead of getting bogged down by the tasks that I struggle with.
Mag was so excited to go to the sleepover tonight. I am happy for her to have some activities. Seems like the whole family revolves around Anthony's baseball. We are soon getting her into horseback riding. After dropping Mag at the church, I considered trying to recruit a friend to go out for a drink because I was so tired, but too much to do at home and it would only slow me down. So...home to clean the house before grading some papers, then to bed. One more day down!
No spare time w/out kids these days, so starting to feel like I am drowning. Need to grade papers for college, prep for next class starting 10/20, and need to catch up on bills and paperwork at home, organize our family calendar so we don't miss a sporting or school item, all while somehow keeping our house and kids a float, and possibly even helping them to become intelligent, kind human beings -- this is a more difficult task than anything my corporate career ever handed me. Help, I have fallen, and I can't get up!
My Birthday Week-end
This is the Sunday at the end of my birthday week-end. My birthday was pretty uneventful, especially on the heels of a special 40Th surprise bash last year. This year, the day was started cleaning up vomit of my biggest and most dramatic child, Anthony. We had been to the Dr. Thurs, and diagnosed with bronchitis (near pneumonia), and he was really about the worst I have ever seen him. He thought he might die (the drama), and told me to just "let him go and say goodbye". Anyway, I had been up with him a lot during the night, and by morning, the side effect of nausea from the steroid med had kicked in, so my birthday started a little rocky.
Today, we had a school "book parade" for the twins (but A was
sick, so just Mag would participate) where the kids can wear costumes (but we don't call them halloween costumes for sake of sensitivity to those who might not celebrate). The kids wear costumes that link to a book. Maggie was Laura from Little House on the Prairie in her mind, but she really was a blonde haired girl in a black trendy flapadoodle dress that looked nothing like Little House, but since I had another child vomiting, I let it slide... it is really all about how she felt, and she was fine, unlike her twin brother, who was vomiting, and thought he was dying. I had other fish to fry at the moment. We were off to watch the modern "Laura in the parade". My near death twin was really better by now, and miraculously, he chose to stay at school after the event (day getting better already). We made it through the day, and I believe nobody (except my dad calling me) wished me happy birthday until around 5pm. I guess this is what being a grown up is about... I am used to my birthdays being a little more "about me", but I need to get over that because we are in survival mode right now. At least Anthony escaped death today. We went to dinner at a Japanese hibachi restaurant (our tradition for most birthdays) for mommy's birthday, and called it a day! A message from my sister at the end of the day was a nice touch to improve the day too.
Day of Rest? Sunday is a good day for our family, but no day is truly a day of rest for us. We went to Church today. Lunch @ Skeeters. Ben Napped (rare these days, so I enjoy the peace in the day). John took kids shopping (I think for my late Birthday gift), then he had a work conference call @2:30. Anthony to Cub Scouts @3. Maggie has sleepover at church for girls tonight from 8pm to 8am. No school for kids tomorrow (Columbus day), but I am teaching college so littles go to Playtime and the twins will go to college w/ me.
Mag was so excited to go to the sleepover tonight. I am happy for her to have some activities. Seems like the whole family revolves around Anthony's baseball. We are soon getting her into horseback riding. After dropping Mag at the church, I considered trying to recruit a friend to go out for a drink because I was so tired, but too much to do at home and it would only slow me down. So...home to clean the house before grading some papers, then to bed. One more day down!
No spare time w/out kids these days, so starting to feel like I am drowning. Need to grade papers for college, prep for next class starting 10/20, and need to catch up on bills and paperwork at home, organize our family calendar so we don't miss a sporting or school item, all while somehow keeping our house and kids a float, and possibly even helping them to become intelligent, kind human beings -- this is a more difficult task than anything my corporate career ever handed me. Help, I have fallen, and I can't get up!
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