Saturday, November 22, 2008

Busy Office Party / Ren Fest Week-end

On Friday, John's firm held their semi-annual holiday shindig, at the Museum of Fine Arts. It is a swanky affair, with a band, and full line of food and drink options, as well as a chance to see many friends from over the years. They invite current attorneys, and "alumni", so we see the people who have come and gone, and it is a good time. Additionally, this year was quite pleasant, because it is one of few of these events where I was not either pregnant or with a tiny baby. Since it only happens alternate years, the last time, I was on crutches, due to my knee ordeal 2 yrs ago. The time before that, I believe I was with a new baby, so couldn't completely relax, knowing midnight feedings and such were awaiting me at home...and before that, extremely pregnant with a baby any day... Finally, I could drink champagne, and I did. I didn't feel drunk, but I knew I would likely move slower in the morn, and I didn't have a care in the world about that, because, I thought, this was one of few Saturdays that we did not have a sporting event or kid activity of some sort... so I thought. I proceeded to celebrate freely, and it was quite a nice evening.

We arrived home about 12:30, and couldn't believe we had managed to stay out that late (we are old now). I sighed as I was crashing into my pillow, and said, "Isn't it so nice that we don't have anyplace we HAVE to be tomorrow... we are Freeeeee..."... (screeeeech). That is when John lowered the boom. "oh no" he says... " I told you I bought Renaissance Festival tickets for tomorrow." (Ren Fest is a fun day, but it is a LONG day, and one that we usually like to start early). I swear he didn't tell me this, but I just said 2 words before I crashed -- "Please no". We awoke on Saturday, and he let me sleep. He was up cooking breakfast for the kids (he is good like this on week-ends, because he misses a lot of time w/ them during the week because of his work). When I awoke, I was movin' slow, but I erased the Renaissance Fest discussion completely. I was also starting to remember that I had committed to cook dinner for a neighbor family, as the mom was recovering from surgery -- lasagna is what I had committed to deliver to them. As I am starting to enter the kitchen, I hear John telling the kids that we need to "move it quickly after breakfast, because we ARE going to the Renaissance Fest". Oh noooo... I cried. I must first make Lasagna for this family, and surely there would be no time, so we should do it another day. He persevered, and they were going with or without me... hmmm... would they really go without? Oh, I thought, they would go, but they'd only stay a couple of hours because they couldn't do as much without another adult, since the 2 little kids need adults to ride some rides, etc. Just as I started to settle into my day, they would blow in like a hurricane , so I might as well go, as if it were really a choice. I scurried around, making the lasagna dinner for the neighbors, and made grumpy sounds the whole time I was getting dressed because he was doing this horrible thing to me -- I know -- not so horrible.

It actually was a perfectly beautiful day. Once the motrin and caffeine kicked in, I was feeling fine. The weather was perfect, and the kids loved the event. We do love this event. The site is in Plantersville, Texas and it is amazing. It is a large acreage property that is built just for this annual festival. The rides and games are more rustic, made of wood, and mostly hand made, and many people strolling in costumes. There are shows with animals and magicians, music, jousting, etc. We closed down the place (partially since we didn't arrive until 1pm. Our kids are so fun at these things... places where they can run and noise doesn't matter suit us best right now, and probably for the rest of our lives, if I would guess.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Halloween in Hayden's Run FUN!

Halloween is perhaps my favorite day in our neighborhood. We live in an area that is kid friendly utopia. Our neighborhood is about a block away from the elementary school, and our school is one of the best in the area, so this is the place to be on Halloween. Almost every street has some sort of block party before trick or treat. Many streets have groups of adults that park their lawn chairs in the street, and socialize while handing out treats. It is like hopping from party to party, as we trick or treat. This is the best part... At several locations, adult beverages are served along with treats for the kids. Can it really get any better than this? The kids are happy... the adults having fun too. It is pretty clean and safe. If we could just keep our kids in this bubble forever. Oh, there are some things that I don't like about being in this bubble called The Woodlands, in that our kids are not living in a world that will teach them the things they will encounter in the world outside the bubble, and our kids have so much opportunity, that they are getting spoiled, whether we like it or not. But today... Halloween... this is the place to be...

Alexander had about a dozen costumes in his wardrobe, and wore them all during the course of October, changing several times a day... and decided at the last minute that he would be Batman (a hand me down from Anthony). This was great, because we actually had 2 batman costumes (Actually, Ben wore the Batgirl costume), but who knew? Anthony dressed as a OSU football player, and Maggie chose a witch costume. Daddy also dressed for the occasion, when we found an extra cape and mask in our vast superhero collection.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Ben on the loose again

Below is the letter I sent to Anthony's 3rd grade teacher today. In a split second, Ben can get into anything. Gotta go... he has a dirty diaper and he is squirting out a juice box... I am ready for a nap already...
Ms. Goodson,
After Anthony left for school (so he hasn't seen it yet), his 3 yr old brother Ben cut his reading homework with zig zag scissors -- the kid is like lightening, always into something. I have taped it back together, but Anthony will be upset since he is somewhat of a perfectionist. We had already done it, but he can easily copy it to a new sheet. Is there any way you can send home a new reading homework sheet, so he can turn in a clean copy tomorrow? Thank you so much!
