Alexander got his heart broken! Alexander sometimes plays with a little red head girl,Kate, who lives on our street. Kate is a few months older than Alexander, old enough to make the cutoff to start kindergarten this year... leaving Alexander behind in Pre-K. She is this tiny little sparky thing, and a little on the bossy side, but she is adorable. She has a way of getting things her way most of the time, and she has enjoyed playing with Alexander, because as the middle child, he is used to letting people take charge. He has been so easy going with her. When school started, they didn't play a lot. I think she was into being in the "big school". On Saturday, he went to Kate's to play. He was not gone very long, and I was upstairs when he arrived home. When I came down, he looked so sad, with the lip hanging out and all. I asked what was wrong, and his reply was ... "She said I can't be her boyfriend... she is marrying someone else!" I called Kate's mom and declared that we both need to write this down... who knows... what if they do end up dating some day...He was so heartbroken. She invited him back to play, but he said... "no, she is marrying someone else". I saw little Kate (who is smaller than my Ben, though she is 5 and in Kindergarten) on Sunday, and I asked her who she is marrying? She said "nobody", and she shrugged her shoulders and flipped that little red bob hair. They were off to play together again. He still mentions every once in a while that "she is marrying someone else". How innocent and sweet they are.. .if we could just freeze this moment.
Maggie (his older sister) started horseback riding lessons this week, after she has been asking for this for 3 years. It is quite a commitment (time and money), and she has had some acedemic struggles, so we have delayed getting started, but she has essentially abandoned every previous sport and activity, holding out for horses all the way. I have made the comment that she will choose horses over boys, which is a good thing, though the horse thing could turn out to be a pretty big deal for us. Being our only girl, I think John would rather pay out the nose for this horse activity, than to think of issues with boys in her future... and that time will come sooner than we think. Alexander said that he did not want her to start riding horses because she would not want to play with him anymore. The poor kid. Women leaving him from every direction. His Maggie will always be there for him though. These two are such good buddies. He has now settled for marrying mommy. Oh, if we could just keep him here...
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