Afterwards, took Anthony to Thai Ploy for lunch, then picked up other kids. Home to get Mag ready for Lillian's bday party, which was 30 min away instead of in the neighborhood as I had thought. Also, she needed a cat costume... accross the street to borrow from a neighbor... then needed 12 photos for the craft at the party... ughh! Now we are off... Only 30 min late. Oops, mapquest mapped it wrong, so we were lost and an hour late.
By the time we get home, we have about an hour before we need to leave to pick Mag up on 1488, then back to Rayford Rd. Fox Run Fields for Anthony's baseball practice. My trip timer on my car was reset this morning, and we were in the car for 4.5 hours today, never more than 15 miles from home, but running here and there for activities, birthday party, sports,etc. It was a blessing and maybe a curse for later, but all 3 non-baseball kids fell asleep on the way to Anthony's baseball practice tonight, so instead of chasing Ben for 2 hours, keeping him out of streets, water, other kids baseball gear, and away from the line of fire of 8 yr olds learning how to pitch, I got to have 2 hours of complete silence in my car while A Practiced. This is rare, but I guess I should carry a book for those rare moments. I tried being productive on my laptop until the battery ran out. I will pay for this break tonight when nobody wants to go to sleep, but for the moment, the break is nice.
The college kids have been emailing me all day for help on a project that is turning out to be more difficult since he hurricane damaged the dining room construction project at the college, which is what I had asked them to write a paper on. I will handle that crisis tomorrow.
Cleaned up for the night, got 4 backpacks ready for morning. Tomorrow is Alexander's "book buddy" and "Star of the Week" day, so we have to read a story, write a story about reading that story, gather 12 family pictures, a toy for the "mystery bag", and pick out 2 books for mommy to read at prek tomorrow. Maggie and Anthony have a spelling story tomorrow, where they have to correct misspelled words in a story that are spelling words from last week. Maggie has been scoring low on this, so review is necessary in the morn. All is ready for a 6am wake up! Green Acres living is sounding better every day! Whew! What a day!
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