Sunday, January 10, 2010

It’s a New Year! My New Year’s Resolution…

During the last 2 months of 2009, I experienced illness like no other I have experienced. Actually, it started when I ruptured my eardrum in August, just as we were preparing to begin the school year. From that point, I had an infection that moved from my ears to my sinus to my throat, until finally in November, I conceded to have sinus surgery. My 2 boys had tonsillectomy before thanksgiving, and our deductible for the year had been met, so I didn't have much time to waste. I just held my breath and agreed to sinus surgery, which as we discussed, might lead to tonsillectomy, as I just wanted this stage of illness to end. I was desperate.

On December 1, I went in for surgery, and the tonsils were included in the deal. As painful as sinus surgery is, if you have tonsils out at the same time, the sinus surgery seems minor. I would have all 3 of my c-sections at once over that tonsil surgery. In order to swallow, I needed pain med, but taking the pain med on an empty stomach made me nautious, and thus I couldn't keep food down. I got dehydrated, and then developed pneumonia, which would cause the recovery period to triple in time. In December, this was not good news for a mom of 4 kids awaiting Christmas. Santa would be traveling light this year, it seems.

What I learned during this illness though is patience. I haven't been terribly patient in the past. I feel like I am on a fast moving treadmill that doesn't ever have time to stop. During my illness, I was forced to rest and to stop, and nothing terrible happened. I have not stopped to take care of myself at all in the past. I am going to do better at this in 2010. I promise. I am lucky that my illness was something with a cure, and I felt guilty for feeling sorry for myself, knowing that there are much worse things I could have. I cannot imagine going through anything worse or longer than what I just went through, but I know there are many worse things I could face. I will appreciate my health, and take better care of myself in this new year! I am still not 100%, but when I am, I will get to the health club for exercise, and I will stop for rest, eat healthy, and take better care of me! For the first time, I am motivated to do this because I need to feel better, and not just because I want to fit into my pre-pregnancy jeans. I need to be here for my children, and have the energy to keep up with them, and that begins with taking better care of myself. Happy 2010! It is going to be a better year for all of us. I just know it!

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