Friday, September 10, 2010
The Noise of Our Chaos...
And speaking of paybacks, my math sessions with Mags are reminding me of my dear stepmothers algebra tutoring sessions -- I suspect I was looking at the ceiling instead of the paper just like my Maggie is. The algebra teacher, Mrs. Woods, haunted my dreams. I thought she hated me, but she was probably just about to pull her hair out because she couldn't get through to me. I must keep my calm...As a parent I have to stick with it, but the last thing I want to be doing at 10pm is adding and subtracting decimals. She is my child... and I get why she cannot focus on this stuff. I remember focusing on every distraction I could find, and looking for every way out I could find. It is amazing that I made it through. Heck, I still find myself staring at the ceiling and I am supposed to be the tutor?? And I teach college?? I am sure Mrs. Wood would be shocked to know that! And my stepmom tutor... and every other teacher I had... and my Papa... and pretty much any adult that knew me in high school or college. It gives hope for anyone for sure.
Monday, August 30, 2010
Maggie bought a fish tank... another adventure
Friday, May 28, 2010
Ready or Not, School's Out
Happy Summer... It is here, whether we are ready or not
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Ben... sweet sweet Ben... he "HELPS" me so much!
I know I will miss it. He makes my heart smile, even when he is making work for me - which is anytime he isn't sleeping or snuggling, but the snuggling makes it all worth it! Oh it is so hard to be mad at him!
Happy Tuesday! (It is Tuesday, right?)
Friday, April 9, 2010
The Easter Bunny Visited Us!
Monday, March 22, 2010
Our California Family Adventure – Legoland, Disneyland, San Diego Zoo, Beaches
The Flying Grizwolds? We don't get out much...

Tuesday, March 2, 2010
What a Mommy Wants to Hear… so innocent… yet so telling.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Our San Diego Girls Week-end
The last time I boarded an airplane was in 2007 when I turned 40. My mom, sister and I went for a long week-end in California for my 40th . We went to Napa and the San Francisco Area and had a blast. We could have fun anywhere though. Our girl time is so rare that we laugh the whole time. We proclaimed then that we would make this an annual thing. We skipped a few years, through Holly getting married, pregnancy, and now with a new baby. On January 11, 2010, Holly turned 40, but her baby is still only 3 months old. We pressured her into thinking about taking Luke on a week-end with Mom and I to celebrate. She was worried about bringing Luke, but we are 3 moms, and one tiny baby… what can’t we do??? Thus the week-end was scheduled around the ability to bring Mark (her hubby, and Luke’s daddy) to help with Luke. Mom and I went along with it although we didn’t understand needing one more adult. I have four children, so one baby I can do with my eyes closed! As it turned out, I think Mark didn’t want to be away from Luke. Holly, welcome to the world of mommy being pretty insignificant in the equation – it is all about the baby.I was glad to see Holly, but the truth is, I was looking forward to some serious bonding with baby Luke. We had world peace to work out!
I love the baby stage, and my baby is not so much of a baby any longer and we are at the end of the road – no more babies in this house – or fish, or dogs, or cats, or hamsters… nothing living!
We were all off to San Diego – sunny California! It sounded pretty good to Mom and Holly, who had just experienced the worst blizzard in recent Oklahoma history, and a lot of cold and ice after that. Houston had been cold and rainy, so I was also looking forward to the sunshine too. We had a great hotel on Coronado Island (close to the famous Del Coronado Hotel). We stayed at a beautiful Marriott Coronado Island Resort, and our room looked out on the Ocean, and 3 swimming pools…. And it rained all week-end! My poor sweet new mom of a sister arrived with 3 large suitcases. This is her first trip with a child. She has traveled with a memory foam pillow and a cappuccino machine for the past 10 years, and her life has changed. This trip might be her realization of how much her life has changed.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Our Exercise Saga – My 9 yr old’s trauma!

Saturday, January 30, 2010
My Exercise Partner – My 9 year Old – Pay Backs!
My New Years resolution was to take better care of myself. I spoke at dinner one night about wanting to get back to the YMCA to exercise, now that I am feeling better after my December illness. I declared that I should be ready to go by "next week". Anthony asked if he could go too! Oh, and that was also the week that my college teaching started back up. Probably a little ambitious of me to set out for all of these big changes at once.
...Back up a year or so ago… Anthony and I set out to work out at 5am a year or so ago, and we made it about two days. He is a early morning person, and has a routine that involves ESPN or watching a recorded sports event on TV at 5:30am. That doesn't seem healthy for a 9 year old, so I had offered to take him to work out if he would wake me up. That would surely be better for him than watching re-runs of Astros games at 5am, which is what he often does – he is a baseball fanatic, and a huge Astros fan. He loved the permission to wake me up. He is pretty relentless about waking me, and I think it is fun for him – certainly more fun than watching a 1999 Astros game by himself. I didn't want to wake up, but once he started, I knew he would not go away. I had to get up. This was good for me too. I needed all the help I can to get this baby weight x 4 off, and my baby was three! After a couple of trips to the gym, he stopped waking me up. He was up, but I think he got bored with the exercise, and missed catching up on his Astros trivia. I, of course, was not that entrenched in my exercise routine, and quite fond of my sleep, so I didn't say a word. (Bad Mommy!)
So now in 2010, we are off to another journey at the gym. Mother and Son are so different, yet so much alike – sadly. Anthony is my type A child (that isn't me) and he takes a lot of patience. He has no patience -- even less than your average 9 yr old, maybe because he manages to be so annoying that everyone gives into his demands. He is a stickler for doing what you say you are going to do (unless it is something he doesn't want to do – ha!). He is a rule nazi (unless it is a rule he wants to break). He may be a little wishy washy on keeping his word, but he is very good at keeping others to their word though. He is so annoying that you have to do it, just to shut him up! After I had been up late working on my college classes, he woke me up on the first Tuesday after I proclaimed I was ready, and I whined and rolled over. I told him I didn't feel well yet. I begged for him to leave me alone. I did this long enough that it was too late to go! I didn't get anymore sleep, and the morning was painful. I hate starting mornings this way. We had a huge scene at breakfast about mommy not doing what she said she would – give me a break! I was in a bad mood for 2 days. How dare anyone question what I don't do – after all I DO do so much for these little stinkers! He was right though. I have done this all my life. I put it off. I find any excuse (sorry Dad). I think early morning exercise sounds great. It is great, once I have gotten to the gym, but waking is so hard for me.
When I was about 14 years old, I lived with my single dad for a while. It was just he and I (and a couple of Nannies that didn't last). He and I set up a plan to start jogging in the early morning. We would jog to the highway and back (2 miles on a gravel road). He would wake me at something like 4am (probably 6am, but it seemed too early). When I tried not to get up, he would bring a cup of ice water and start dripping it on me, drop by drop on my face. Finally, I would give up and get up. We'd start jogging… "I have cotton mouth… I can't breathe, My leg hurts, my pinky hurts"... anything… just make it stop! He didn't let me stop. He teased me for being a wimp, but my dad is the toughest of tough nails! We didn't even take any water on these jaunts, and these gravel roads were not the best track. I disagreed then, but I see it now. I was a whiney wimpy girl. I still think we could have had some water. Sorry Dad! Thanks for putting up with me.
So when Anthony and I hit the gym for the first time, we quickly made it to the stairmaster. I haven't exercised in quite some time, so we needed to get going. In the beginning, he started climbing really fast, claiming "this isn't hard". That lasted about 30 seconds. 5 minutes into it, he was tired and wanted to stop. 10 minutes into it, he was hungry… "can't we get something to eat?" At 15 minutes, I noticed he was struggling. I pointed to a TV monitor in front of us and said "Look, that is ESPN. You can watch that." He said "Okay. Thanks!" and started to get off the machine. He thought I was telling him he could sit down and watch TV. I told him "No! You have to watch while you exercise. If you are going to get me up in the morning, darnit, you are going to keep going!" That wasn't so exciting for him. I don't think this is child abuse. Is it? Finally we finished our first workout. Two days later, we tried it again. I didn't get up the first time he woke me and he was mad. I did get up in time to go though. This time, he spied a bicycle machine with a monitor that had some sort of video game where he was to pedal the bike through this course and get some monsters or something. I thought this was right up his alley. I positioned myself at a nearby elliptical machine, and the first time I looked over, he was playing the video game and no pedaling was going on. I had to remind him to keep pedaling a few times before he gave up and joined me on the elliptical. He whined a little, but we made it – one week and 2 trips to the YMCA at 5am. We are on our way! I need to get in shape to be healthier and keep up with this crazy life, and my boy needs to get in shape because he is used to success, and is entering the years when sports are becoming more competitive. He has had a huge growth spirt, and is eating us out of house and home already. We just need to keep him burning enough calories to eat that much so he doesn't fight the battle that his mommy does. He can't stand not to win, but some tough lessons are ahead in this crazy utopian suburb where kids have personal trainers and private lessons to make the team. Lord help us!
I have to admit, it felt good. Once I get up, I am glad I did it. I hope he will last longer than one week this time around. I crack up though. I remember that cotton mouth Dad. Though my child sucks the life out of me, and I blame Daddy for that personality, maybe he has a little of Mommy in him after all.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Happy Birthday Aunt Holly!
If you remember the family photo you tried to take of us all at the beach a couple of years ago, you may understand how many "takes" and edits were required to avoid violence on film. This is now Rated G, but the unedited version is still unrated for various reasons.
See our Crazy Rock Band Video
Santa Brought Us a Ski Trip - 4 Kids On Skis
In the end, I think I probably got more rest by agreeing to this trip. I did not ski, for fear of getting sick again, so I had a few hours per day of time to myself. Since we were not at home, I was away from the many projects and tasks that haunt me daily, and keep me from relaxing. While we were away, I could ignore the Christmas tree, and many things that needed to be done at home. Maybe this was a good plan afterall. I just took walks in the snow with the dog and hung out doing not much of anything. This really never happens at home.
The weather was beautiful, and I was tempted to ski, but I held off because I really need to keep my health. I enjoyed the scenery, and seeing my children have a blast in the snow. AND… when I saw my 4th child actually skiing, it made it all worth it. He was actually doing it. He was so proud! We have 4 kids who ski now. The younger two really came into the sport this trip. I am sad that I was not on the mountain with them, but I am glad that I got to see it from a distance and in pictures.
Video of our skiing( click on link)
Sunday, January 10, 2010
It’s a New Year! My New Year’s Resolution…
During the last 2 months of 2009, I experienced illness like no other I have experienced. Actually, it started when I ruptured my eardrum in August, just as we were preparing to begin the school year. From that point, I had an infection that moved from my ears to my sinus to my throat, until finally in November, I conceded to have sinus surgery. My 2 boys had tonsillectomy before thanksgiving, and our deductible for the year had been met, so I didn't have much time to waste. I just held my breath and agreed to sinus surgery, which as we discussed, might lead to tonsillectomy, as I just wanted this stage of illness to end. I was desperate.
On December 1, I went in for surgery, and the tonsils were included in the deal. As painful as sinus surgery is, if you have tonsils out at the same time, the sinus surgery seems minor. I would have all 3 of my c-sections at once over that tonsil surgery. In order to swallow, I needed pain med, but taking the pain med on an empty stomach made me nautious, and thus I couldn't keep food down. I got dehydrated, and then developed pneumonia, which would cause the recovery period to triple in time. In December, this was not good news for a mom of 4 kids awaiting Christmas. Santa would be traveling light this year, it seems.
What I learned during this illness though is patience. I haven't been terribly patient in the past. I feel like I am on a fast moving treadmill that doesn't ever have time to stop. During my illness, I was forced to rest and to stop, and nothing terrible happened. I have not stopped to take care of myself at all in the past. I am going to do better at this in 2010. I promise. I am lucky that my illness was something with a cure, and I felt guilty for feeling sorry for myself, knowing that there are much worse things I could have. I cannot imagine going through anything worse or longer than what I just went through, but I know there are many worse things I could face. I will appreciate my health, and take better care of myself in this new year! I am still not 100%, but when I am, I will get to the health club for exercise, and I will stop for rest, eat healthy, and take better care of me! For the first time, I am motivated to do this because I need to feel better, and not just because I want to fit into my pre-pregnancy jeans. I need to be here for my children, and have the energy to keep up with them, and that begins with taking better care of myself. Happy 2010! It is going to be a better year for all of us. I just know it!