Day 5, Monday, Morning Ride with Uncle Thatcher and Papa! It isn't often that ranchers go horseback riding just for fun, but Papa is mellowing in his age. Okay… Papa didn't actually ride a horse, but he instructed Thatcher to take us riding, and he drove the feed truck along to coach us all. He also transported little Ben in the feed truck, which is a highlig
Alexander got to ride by himself for the first time (without being led by an adult). He rode "Law", who is a great gentle horse that Anthony used to ride. He did not like trotting, but he did okay in a walk this time. Of all of our kids, Alexander is our cautious one, and really the only one that doesn't dive into the deep end without a thought. He usually has great ability once he gets in his groove though, so he will progress fine here.
Maggie and Anthony were trying to get their horse legs warmed up after a long time off the ranch. Though Maggie has been taking English Riding lessons, somehow being loose in the pasture is different. A couple of hours in the morning was about all we needed since it was expected to be 100 degrees today.
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