Friday, September 10, 2010

The Noise of Our Chaos...

We have added a trumpet and clarinet to our normal noise level -- twins -10 yr olds in band now... so great for them, but that noise along with everyone screaming above it is enough to drive a parent over the edge... I guess paybacks come in all shapes and sizes!

And speaking of paybacks, my math sessions with Mags are reminding me of my dear stepmothers algebra tutoring sessions -- I suspect I was looking at the ceiling instead of the paper just like my Maggie is. The algebra teacher, Mrs. Woods, haunted my dreams.  I thought she hated me, but she was probably just about to pull her hair out because she couldn't get through to me.  I must keep my calm...As a parent I have to stick with it, but the last thing I want to be doing at 10pm is adding and subtracting decimals.  She is my child... and I get why she cannot focus on this stuff.  I remember focusing on every distraction I could find, and looking for every way out I could find.  It is amazing that I made it through.  Heck, I still find myself staring at the ceiling and I am supposed to be the tutor??  And I teach college??  I am sure Mrs. Wood would be shocked to know that!  And my stepmom tutor... and every other teacher I had... and my Papa... and pretty much any adult that knew me in high school or college.  It gives hope for anyone for sure.