Holly's 40th...Girls Get Away + Luke.
The last time I boarded an airplane was in 2007 when I turned 40. My mom, sister and I went for a long week-end in California for my 40th . We went to Napa and the San Francisco Area and had a blast. We could have fun anywhere though. Our girl time is so rare that we laugh the whole time. We proclaimed then that we would make this an annual thing. We skipped a few years, through Holly getting married, pregnancy, and now with a new baby. On January 11, 2010, Holly turned 40, but her baby is still only 3 months old. We pressured her into thinking about taking Luke on a week-end with Mom and I to celebrate. She was worried about bringing Luke, but we are 3 moms, and one tiny baby… what can’t we do??? Thus the week-end was scheduled around the ability to bring Mark (her hubby, and Luke’s daddy) to help with Luke. Mom and I went along with it although we didn’t understand needing one more adult. I have four children, so one baby I can do with my eyes closed! As it turned out, I think Mark didn’t want to be away from Luke. Holly, welcome to the world of mommy being pretty insignificant in the equation – it is all about the baby.I was glad to see Holly, but the truth is, I was looking forward to some serious bonding with baby Luke. We had world peace to work out!
I love the baby stage, and my baby is not so much of a baby any longer and we are at the end of the road – no more babies in this house – or fish, or dogs, or cats, or hamsters… nothing living!

We were all off to San Diego – sunny California! It sounded pretty good to Mom and Holly, who had just experienced the worst blizzard in recent Oklahoma history, and a lot of cold and ice after that. Houston had been cold and rainy, so I was also looking forward to the sunshine too. We had a great hotel on Coronado Island (close to the famous Del Coronado Hotel). We stayed at a beautiful Marriott Coronado Island Resort, and our room looked out on the Ocean, and 3 swimming pools…. And it rained all week-end! My poor sweet new mom of a sister arrived with 3 large suitcases. This is her first trip with a child. She has traveled with a memory foam pillow and a cappuccino machine for the past 10 years, and her life has changed. This trip might be her realization of how much her life has changed.
The last time I boarded an airplane was in 2007 when I turned 40. My mom, sister and I went for a long week-end in California for my 40th . We went to Napa and the San Francisco Area and had a blast. We could have fun anywhere though. Our girl time is so rare that we laugh the whole time. We proclaimed then that we would make this an annual thing. We skipped a few years, through Holly getting married, pregnancy, and now with a new baby. On January 11, 2010, Holly turned 40, but her baby is still only 3 months old. We pressured her into thinking about taking Luke on a week-end with Mom and I to celebrate. She was worried about bringing Luke, but we are 3 moms, and one tiny baby… what can’t we do??? Thus the week-end was scheduled around the ability to bring Mark (her hubby, and Luke’s daddy) to help with Luke. Mom and I went along with it although we didn’t understand needing one more adult. I have four children, so one baby I can do with my eyes closed! As it turned out, I think Mark didn’t want to be away from Luke. Holly, welcome to the world of mommy being pretty insignificant in the equation – it is all about the baby.I was glad to see Holly, but the truth is, I was looking forward to some serious bonding with baby Luke. We had world peace to work out!
I love the baby stage, and my baby is not so much of a baby any longer and we are at the end of the road – no more babies in this house – or fish, or dogs, or cats, or hamsters… nothing living!
We were all off to San Diego – sunny California! It sounded pretty good to Mom and Holly, who had just experienced the worst blizzard in recent Oklahoma history, and a lot of cold and ice after that. Houston had been cold and rainy, so I was also looking forward to the sunshine too. We had a great hotel on Coronado Island (close to the famous Del Coronado Hotel). We stayed at a beautiful Marriott Coronado Island Resort, and our room looked out on the Ocean, and 3 swimming pools…. And it rained all week-end! My poor sweet new mom of a sister arrived with 3 large suitcases. This is her first trip with a child. She has traveled with a memory foam pillow and a cappuccino machine for the past 10 years, and her life has changed. This trip might be her realization of how much her life has changed.
We had a great time though. We had wonderful meals, a lot of laughs, and took in the San Diego Wild Animal Park on a cloudy Friday, and a great movie on a rainy Saturday. At the end of the day, it was more about the company than the destination. My mom kept saying we could do everything we had done in Ardmore, Oklahoma, but we wouldn’t have! It takes a monumental plan to get this busy mom of 4 on an airplane.

Back to our Cali adventure…
Our Sunny California day was not to be today. It was a little chilly, cloudy even, and rain was on its way, but tomorrow was to be worse, so we set out to go to see some animals! After our slow morning, it was almost time for Holly’s hubby’s flight to arrive, so she insisted we wait, so Mark could bbsit the little guy. Mark arrived, all greetings exchanged, then… time to eat again for the little guy. Holly fed him and left daddy with only about a 4 ounce bottle, so Mark has instructions to call us as soon as Luke takes the bottle, so we know when we have to return. She has Mark convinced that she is the only one who has the key to access any formula – I told him it is available at every grocery, and she gave me the evil eye! She is jealous of that stuff I think!
And the Games Begin...
Finally it is now afternoon, and we made our exit. We were only 3 blocks from the hotel, and Holly stopped and said “ I am not sure I am comfortable being 35 miles away from my baby!” I could feel my mom’s eyes radiating from the back seat. If I turned my head, I was sure to crack up. We were stopped in the middle of the street. Mom said something like “What is the meaning of this? We have talked about this for weeks?” Holly then started barking at me for not being on top of the GPS device in the rental car, and something about we don’t even know where we are going, so that was a problem. I was using my phone GPS because I know how to work it, but it doesn’t talk so she wasn’t comfortable with it. I fumbled around and got her GPS programmed then proclaimed that I was no longer the co-pilot. She would have to yell at the GPS dude. Okay… we all take a few deep breaths. We talk in a civil tone, though a bit strained by my mom, I could tell. I still haven’t looked back at her because I am sure to laugh and that would not be good for the moment. Whew… the car starts to move again. Holly is actually completely in control because she is the only driver of our rental car. She likes to be in control that way! Anyway… we are on the move. I can tell this day has the potential for disaster. It is no fun going somewhere with someone who doesn’t want to be there… especially when that someone is the famous “Princess” who is without her cappuccino machine and pillow for the first time in 10 years. I offer to turn back if she is going to be unhappy. She keeps driving, but still not much talking. As we drive, I can feel the tension building, then suddenly, release. She is finally okay with this 35 mile distance from her baby. The sun is starting to peek out, and all of our spirits lift for a bit. The scenery is beautiful, and we really enjoyed the San Diego Wild Animal Park, once we got there. We didn’t linger, as the little guy would surely be hungry before long, but we all enjoyed the trip, and were home in time to prevent Luke from starving.
Doesn’t he look starving?
The rest of our trip was great. We had a wonderful dinner at the Del Coronado, a relatively quiet rainy day on Saturday, where we took in a movie and visited a shopping center, then a nice dinner again Saturday night… then off to the airport on Sunday morning. It all passed by so quickly, but it was time enjoyed by all. Though our first day had potential for some problems, we were all able to laugh about it in the end (I think… right??? Holly??? Are you still my sister???) Remember that the primary reason for my blog is to help me remember things I will forget later. This is not the Pioneer woman. You are one of about 3 readers here, so I am not sharing this story with the world. I just want to remember this special time. The nice thing about close family, is they can help you to laugh at things that might otherwise seem stressful. Of course, sometimes they can also help you to be stressed about things that might otherwise be laughable… it is all good though. This time is so precious to me, the one sibling who had to move to Texas 20 years ago, making these moments less frequent than we all would like. I miss my family… every part of them… every day! I wish we were closer, but that potential seems more and more remote as the years of my hubby’s Houston career go on. So, I just cherish these moments that I have with them, especially the more intimate times – translation, when we are not chasing all of my children and when I actually get to finish a conversation, or for that matter, finish a sentence, or for that matter, when I even have the brainwaves to know how to form a sentence. I love you all!