This week, the older kids started school. Alexander started kindergarten in the same school where the twins attend fourth grade. Alexander still seems so little to me, but he has instantly grown up with his daily routine of riding the school bus and going to real school. Ben was sad when he realized that everyone started their school on Monday except him. He just had a cookie party on Monday, then we start next Monday.
He is mostly bummed because his new school has some really cool trucks and a track for him to play with -- he is obsessed with trucks. "They have a car carrier and a firetruck!" he exclaimed. In our house, you know you are really special if he lets you play with his car carrier, and firetruck runs a close second". He relates everything to what people drive. He asked one of the concession stand workers at Silver Dollar City if she drives a truck or a car. He asks many people we encounter this question. If they drive a truck, we move on to if they have a trailor and what kind of trailor. When Papa recently went into the hospital, he was very concerned about knowing if Papa went to the hospital in an ambulance or in the feed truck! Oh how I wish we could freeze this moment in time! Yesterday, he came into the room and exclaimed "Moooommmy - You need to turn off your computer NOW!" I said "why?", and the little bugger said "Because it is snuggle time!" as he bound into my lap. How can anyone resist this?
School is back in session, I started teaching college this week too, and I have so many things I need to catch up on, not to mention the fact that I suffered a ruptured eardrum just 5 days ago and am still not 100%. None of that matters right now because I am head over heels in love with the best snuggler in the world! I realize that this time will pass too soon. He will always be my baby though.
This week, Ben and I have had a lot of together time. I am just savoring this time, because it is starting to hit me that it will be gone before I know it! The twins were a bit of a blur from birth until kindergarten, then Alexander wasn't even 2 when Ben came into the mix, so this is the most calm my house has ever been. I never really had that newborn quiet time because I was outnumbered with twins. This is it... really. This is the most time I have had with just one child. I do long for more time to get things done, but for now, I am cherishing this little snuggler.