Friday, February 17, 2012
Sunday, October 30, 2011
He is so big compared to his team mates. If he would run instead of walk, he could really dominate on the field, but he keeps up with the pack by just walking... There are 2 Bens on the team, so they call him "BIG Ben"...he doesn't mind.
He is so big compared to his team mates. If he would run instead of walk, he could really dominate on the field, but he keeps up with the pack by just walking... There are 2 Bens on the team, so they call him "BIG Ben"...he doesn't mind.
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Our Baby lost his front tooth
I think we should stop calling him our "baby", but he will always be. He doesn't even like the word "babysitter" -- he corrects me and says "kidsitter".
Friday, August 12, 2011
Always an Adventure.
Thank you nice people with the houseboat made like a TANK
We are on vacation in Florida. This is our favorite vacation. No amusement park lines, no roller coasters, no crowds to panic about losing children... just a beach, ocean, some bicycles, and daily bike rides to the "Sugar Shack". It is a little slow pace for the Dad in our familia, but right on the mark for the rest of us. Morning walks on the beach, followed by a big breakfast, followed by some beach play or a bike ride, then lunch and a leisurely afternoon of checkers or Rummikub games. Evening bike ride or beach play... fresh seafood from the seafood market for dinner, to the beach for crab hunting at dark (we set them free, but the sport of catching the fast little guys is a blast).
Since our honeymoon, I have known that John is a speed tourist. He wants to see and do as much as he can and likes for every moment to be productive. It is sometimes exhausting to live it with him. He cannot sit still, and it really bugs him to see others sitting around. The beach allows him to go as much as he wants, and allows some to go and some to hang back with mom. It is perfect. Honestly, beach vacations and snow ski trips are what we do best with.
Our Boating Adventure...
While at the beach, we decided to rent a pontoon boat yesterday for a little snorkel outing. It seemed easy enough. There is a small island off the coast, where the boat doesn't actually get out of the bay where the waves would be too big for a small boat. We packed a picnic, rented a boat, and planned for a afternoon of snorkeling and seashell gathering at Seashell Island. We barely got the boat anchored, and the thunder began to errupt. There were many other boats where we were and everyone seemed to be going about their snorkeling too, so we just watched the dark clouds roll in, and the waves get bigger, hoping it would be one of those quick storms. The storm took a while to come in, and therefore, took a while to go past. We were all huddled under the 24 inch round table on our pontoon boat, trying to shield ourselves from the rain and wind, meanwhile the small boat was rocking with the large waves.
We noticed a boat next to us was fairing much better than ours. It was on first sight a houseboat, but as I looked closer, it could have been a army tank on a boat. It was a serious heavy duty vessell, and was barely moving from the wind and waves that were rocking us severly. We later learned that the man made the boat himself out of " marine grade aluminum". I have no idea what marine grade aluminum is, but I think it must be what tanks are made of -- that is what it looked like.
As we were huddled in our pontoon, a crowd of people rushed past, in route to this house boat. Someone said the house boat was letting people inside the boat. We joined the crowd, out of worry for a couple of terrified children we had by now. We hesitated to go in, and these people absolutely insisted. They were the nicest people, and they had close to 50 strangers in their boat during the storm. Not only did they invite people in, but insisted people all find a place to sit, offering beds and bunks to people who were all soaking wet. One of my children fell asleep sitting on a chair, and the woman tried to encourage me to put him in a bed. When the storm passed, the men in the crowd helped to push the tank off from the beach, and proceeded to go up the beach to help all boats get out of the sand. It was a exhibition of humanity at its' best.
Nobody exchanged names or numbers, but we were all in it together... and then we all went on our way. As we departed, I really wished I had gotten the address of this couple that took so many in, so that I could send them a nice note or nominate them for a medal or something. They were really our safe harbor in the storm... So, to say the least, our quiet day of snorkeling and seashells was a little more exciting than we intended, but we all had a good time in the end. We had a little time after the storm to snorkel away, and we were all relieved to be on land at the end of the day. Still... the beach is better than the crowds anyday in my book.
... Again... Thank you nice people with the houseboat made like a tank... wherever you are... you are so so kind to take all of the clueless tourists in during the storm.
Amusement Parks & Childhood Trauma
John and I are a nightmare combination for amusement park scenes. He has childhood trauma from a sister who covered his eyes while on the big roller coaster at Disney as a child, so he avoids anything resembling a roller coaster -- even the smaller ones. I have a childhood memory of getting lost at the circus in Tulsa. It was probably 15 minutes, but in my mind it was hours. I remember that I got so upset that I vomited. Therefore, I have a deathly fear of losing one of my children in a crowd. To make that worse, John is a speed walker, and just assumes that he can will everyone into walking at his pace by continuing to let us fall behind. Our children are too big to carry, yet we still have small ones that tend to doddle when walking. Once... John was walking ahead with 2 children, and I was bringing up the rear with the other 2. We lost sight of him in the crowd, and then we came to a fork in the path, where we could have gone one of 3 directions. I had no idea which way he went, and I began to panic about not knowing for sure that he had the other 2 children. If he would leave me and my 2 behind, how could I be sure that he wouldn't also leave one behind if he was between he and I. It was only 5 minutes until we connected with him, but it seemed like longer, and I was so upset when we did connect. It was probably over reaction on my part, but I just panic when I don't know for certain that they are all safe.... Thus... the beach is best. We do go to the parks and such, but it is usually stressful for both parents.
We love our vacation time, and it is really about time together... no matter where we are. I am thankful that we can take the time.
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Today is our anniversary. We have been married 17 years. We have a week-end without children. We are enjoying the time. We started today by taking a morning bike ride. We then jumped into the pool to cool off. I fixed eggs benedict for brunch at noon, then we watched a movie in the middle of the afternoon. This is all pretty uneventful, which is nice, because our normal days involve a lot of eventful times.
We spent the first 5 yrs of our courtship in college / grad school. We spend the first 5 yrs of our marriage in grad school / law school.
When we were done, we thought we would start to think about having a baby... wala... TWINS... first chance...from there it has been a blurr. We used to enjoy those uneventful days but I think we have forgotten about that. When we get a snipi of time that is not claimed by anyone or anything, we tend to look for a project to tackle or something. NOT TODAY... we have a date tonight too. Happy 17th ... it has been a wild ride!

Thursday, June 16, 2011
My Ranch Camp Memories
I have been working on a book for a Father's Day gift for Papa... for about 5 years... if you count my active thoughts. I tried to make it happen this year. I am excited about the progress, but I cannot get through Ranch Camp 2008-2010 by Sunday, so I will have to make it a belated gift... fun remembering the times.![]()
I have been putting together a photo book of all of the experiences my family has had at the ranch over the years. We always do many interesting things, and take a lot of photos, and I have finally gotten in gear to do something with them.
Friday, September 10, 2010
The Noise of Our Chaos...
We have added a trumpet and clarinet to our normal noise level -- twins -10 yr olds in band now... so great for them, but that noise along with everyone screaming above it is enough to drive a parent over the edge... I guess paybacks come in all shapes and sizes!
And speaking of paybacks, my math sessions with Mags are reminding me of my dear stepmothers algebra tutoring sessions -- I suspect I was looking at the ceiling instead of the paper just like my Maggie is. The algebra teacher, Mrs. Woods, haunted my dreams. I thought she hated me, but she was probably just about to pull her hair out because she couldn't get through to me. I must keep my calm...As a parent I have to stick with it, but the last thing I want to be doing at 10pm is adding and subtracting decimals. She is my child... and I get why she cannot focus on this stuff. I remember focusing on every distraction I could find, and looking for every way out I could find. It is amazing that I made it through. Heck, I still find myself staring at the ceiling and I am supposed to be the tutor?? And I teach college?? I am sure Mrs. Wood would be shocked to know that! And my stepmom tutor... and every other teacher I had... and my Papa... and pretty much any adult that knew me in high school or college. It gives hope for anyone for sure.
And speaking of paybacks, my math sessions with Mags are reminding me of my dear stepmothers algebra tutoring sessions -- I suspect I was looking at the ceiling instead of the paper just like my Maggie is. The algebra teacher, Mrs. Woods, haunted my dreams. I thought she hated me, but she was probably just about to pull her hair out because she couldn't get through to me. I must keep my calm...As a parent I have to stick with it, but the last thing I want to be doing at 10pm is adding and subtracting decimals. She is my child... and I get why she cannot focus on this stuff. I remember focusing on every distraction I could find, and looking for every way out I could find. It is amazing that I made it through. Heck, I still find myself staring at the ceiling and I am supposed to be the tutor?? And I teach college?? I am sure Mrs. Wood would be shocked to know that! And my stepmom tutor... and every other teacher I had... and my Papa... and pretty much any adult that knew me in high school or college. It gives hope for anyone for sure.
Monday, August 30, 2010
Maggie bought a fish tank... another adventure
Our horse loving, puppy worshiping, all around animal loving girl is in MIDDLE SCHOOL now -- they call it "Intermediate School". Her twin brother, who we now refer to as "Major League" (later story), is also in Intermediate school. They correct me every time I say middle school, but it is the step between Elementary and Junior High, which I guess has different names. Anyway, they have lockers and 4 teachers, and it seems big for our littles.
On Saturday, after our session at horseback riding, we had 2 tasks. 1) to buy/rent a clarinet, and 2) to shop for the fish (plural). I knew nothing about fish species, so we visited our friendly Petsmart and inquired about the process for acquiring a sea creature. What kind of tank / bowl do we need and what other supplies are required? We asked about the teacher's fish first, and were told that we couldn't keep a goldfish overnight unless we had a tank. So... we acquired a tank. It is defined by Petsmart as a small tank, but 10 gallons seems awfully big to me. I envisioned a small round bowl sitting on Maggie's dresser, but apparently there aren't many fish that will live long in a bowl. We also learned that you just cannot buy a tank and a fish and be done. You must take the tank home, add water, apply treatment, install filter, bubble maker, gravel,etc., and allow several days for the water to be ready for a fish. We left the store with all of the tank parts, but no live creature... sigh!. BUT... Maggie was determined to return to the store on Sunday to acquire at least her teacher's fish. With a little luck, she hoped that, although the expert at Petsmart said several days, our tank would be ready for a short overnight guest in 24 hours, to allow her to keep her teacher's gift fish. So... on Sunday, between Girl Scout meeting and dinner, we returned to Petsmart, talked to another fish expert, who shook his head, but said the fish "might" live in our tank for a few hours, enough to transport it safely to the teacher's tank this morning... and so Maggie selected her fish for the teacher, made one more plea to acquire a few of her own (I held strong - yes that is me... strong), and we left with one fish that would be our guest for one night, and we would all have to pray that he survived in the mystery water that awaited him in Maggie's new habitat.... And... He DID! We checked frequently before we slept last night, expecting to find a mishap, but we made it through the night. The fish guy told us to wait until last minute to place the fish back into the bag to transport to school, so we planned to do this after breakfast.
The morning continued with the regular chaos of getting four kids dressed, eight shoes located, and four mouths fed, four backpacks ready, lunches packed, this and that. As we were wrapping up breakfast, moving into lunchbox requests, our youngest bounces into the kitchen with the goldfish in the net -- no water, just flopping around in the air, in the net! He was so proud of himself for catching the fish! EVERYONE SCREAMED in unison "B-E-NNN!" He ran off, and all kids followed to see if the fish would survive this. Thankfully, the fish happily entered the water and began to swim around... and then he happily entered that plastic bag and thanked his lucky stars that he would reside in a 5th grade classroom and not in our home. He sent a prayer up for that not so lucky fish from his tank at Petsmart that would be selected to reside in our home one day. Ben cried for 20 minutes because everyone scared him so much when we all yelled! It's all good... whew -- that was a close call!
This story has kept me laughing all day... We all survived the day -- even the fish!
Friday, May 28, 2010
Ready or Not, School's Out
Last day of preschool. Pizza party at noon. 3 more days of school for elementary kiddos. Had a ton of things on my list then I turned on the TV and the movie "My Sister's Keeper" called out to me -- I had tears from the beginning credits... I now have perspective (and blood shot eyes), and I realize I have no problems whatsoever!... AND I have not accomplished a thing, except for a lot of cryin' -- maybe that is what I needed to appreciate my blessings this summer! Great flick - so sad....
Happy Summer... It is here, whether we are ready or not
Happy Summer... It is here, whether we are ready or not
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